On the equidistribution of closed geodesics and geodesic nets


We show that given a closed $n$-manifold $M$, for a generic set of Riemannian metrics $g$ on $M$ there exists a sequence of closed geodesics that are equidistributed in $M$ if $n=2$; and an equidistributed sequence of embedded stationary geodesic nets if $n=3$. One of the main tools that we use is the Weyl Law for the volume spectrum for $1$-cycles, proved by Liokumovich, Marques and Neves for $n=2$ and more recently by Guth and Liokumovich for $n=3$. We show that our proof of the equidistribution of geodesic nets can be generalized for any dimension $n \geq 2$ provided the Weyl Law for $1$-cycles in n-manifolds holds.

Trans. of the Amer. Math. Soc